Welcome To Spring Term, Year 6!


This Spring Term we will start by looking at the narrative ‘Fire, Bed and Bone’ and the narrative poem, ‘The Highwayman’. We will also be writing across a range of genres including writing inspired by our learning from our topic ‘The Shang Dynasty’. In preparation for SATs we will be looking at strategies to answer SPAG questions and preparing for our reading assessment.


This term we are going to be revising all areas of learning in preparation for the KS2 SATs. After SATs we will continue to consolidate our Maths knowledge and apply these skills to real life problems. Remember it is really important that your child can confidently recall multiplication and division facts.

RE (Religious Education)

This term we will be learning about what it means to be a Buddhist. We will also be learning about how the Christian festival of Easter offers hope.

History and Geography

This term, in history,  we will be learning all about the Shang Dynasty. We will discover key information about the formation of the Shang Dynasty and the kings who ruled it. We will learn all about everyday life, the music, cities and settlements, and the process of worship in this early civilisation.

In geography, we will work on our map skills. We will learn about 6-figure grid references, map symbols, scale and contours and map the area of Osmington Bay.


In Science we will be identifying sources of light & revising that light travels in straight lines. We will investigate light reflections and the fact that white light is made of many colours. We will also investigate electricity.

PE (Physical Education)

Wisdom Class will have PE every Tuesday. This term we will be focusing on basketball, dance, outdoor adventurous activities and gymnastics. Pupils will require their full PE kit for these lessons.


In computing lessons, we will be creating spreadsheets and organising data into rows and columns. We will also be discussing our digital footprint in our online safety lessons.


In PSHE lessons we will be learning all about human rights. We will find out about the rights of a child and homelessness. In addition to this we will be attending the Junior Citizens Scheme where we will find out lots from organisations like TFL, the London Fire Brigade and the Metropolitan Police.


In music lessons we will use iPads to create electronic music and then cover well-known songs using a range of instruments.

Art and DT

We will create Qi Baishi inspired blossom art using watercolours and design and make a mini classroom with working electricity


In Spanish lessons, we will learn about pets and clothes. We will find out lots of new vocabulary and learn how to ask and answer a range of questions in Spanish.

Class Information/Key dates

P.E – Tuesday afternoons

Homework – Due every Wednesday