Autumn in Friendship Class
Welcome to Year 1!
We hope you had a lovely summer break. This term is going to be very exciting, filled with lots of fun learning. Below is an outline of all of what we will be doing.
We will be reading:
‘I Want My Hat Back’ by Jon Klassen
‘Handa’s Surprise’ by Eileen Browne
‘Out and About – a book of first poems’ by Shirley Hughes
We will write postcards, instructions on how to make marmalade sandwiches, letters, posters, poems, fact files and story retells.
We will have daily phonics and Daily Reading Support sessions.
We will be learning about:
1. Place value within 10 and then to 20
2. Addition and subtraction within 10
3. 2D shapes
We will be counting forwards, backwards, adding one more and finding one less and ordering numbers.
We will be:
1. Observing changes across the four seasons
2. Describing weather associated with the seasons
3. Learning about our bodies, senses and why they are important
4. Naming a range of animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles and mammals
We will be learning about:
1. How our local area has changed over time
2. Significant historical events, people and places in our own locality
We will have a visit from Paddington! We will:
1. Map the school
2. Create a map with our own symbols
3. Comparing St Mark’s with a school in Kenya
4. Find the continents and oceans on Google Earth and using navigation skills
Religious Education
We will be discussing:
What responsibility has God given people about taking care of Christianity?
Why saints are important to Christians?
Why is each person important in the Nativity Story?
We will be exploring a range of games and exercise. We will be playing invasion games and doing gymnastics & athletics.
Our P.E days are every Monday and Thursday. Please bring in your PE kit for our lessons.
Please ensure your child has the correct PE kit- white t-shirt and black/blue bottoms.
We will be learning about:
Keeping safe and managing risk: Feeling safe
2. Physical health and wellbeing Fun times
D&T /Art
1. Sketching buildings and areas around our school
2. Creating Patrick Kinuthia inspired art of landscapes/people in Kenya
Home Learning
This will be set every Friday. It is expected to be completed and books to be returned the following Wednesday. Remember to read every day and bring your reading log (with a comment) and books to school everyday.
We will be:
1. Exploring Pulse and rhythm
2. Exploring past and modern classical music
We will be:
1. Exploring sound
2. Using the computer to draw and write
3. Exploring ‘Busy Things’