Please read the following information regarding school attendance and punctuality this year.
Communication is key
Remember that if your child is too ill to attend school and needs to recover at home you must inform the school on the first morning of your child’s illness. Parents must explain what is wrong with their child and keep the school informed every day if the illness progresses. Where possible please make any medical appointments out of school hours and bring copies of medical letters into the office.
Low attendance and penalty notices
If your child’s attendance level drops for any reason, your child will be discussed at school intervention meetings. Parents may be asked to meet with Mr Jones and Ayesha Taylor if there is cause for concern. If there is no improvement in your child’s attendance and punctuality a referral to the Local Authority’s Access and Engagement service can be made. The school has a duty to inform parents that penalty notices can be issued for unauthorised absence, lateness and holidays. Both parents can be fined £60 for every child effected by poor attendance (if paid within 21 days) rising to £120 (if paid within 28 days).
What is persistent absence?
Children whose attendance falls to 90% or below are considered by the Local Authority as having a ‘persistent absence’ from school. These children will be placed on the school’s persistent absentee list. By the end of the last school year there were 10 children on this list. If the child’s attendance fails to improve following intervention, parents may be issued with a court order by the local authority.
Holidays in term time.
St Mark’s will not authorise any holidays taken during term time. Only very exceptional absences will be authorised. Parents need to fill out a school form and put in a request prior to booking if they require exceptional leave. Please note that your child’s school place is at risk if you take unauthorised leave from school. The school can easily spot children who go for extra holidays either side of school terms and such absences will not be authorised.
A child’s right to learn.
Education lays the vital foundations of a child’s life and is a legal requirement for every child. Research clearly demonstrates the link between regular attendance, educational progress and improved life chances. If there are any reasons why you are finding it difficult to send your child to school please let any member of the school staff know as soon as possible.
Last year we just missed out reaching our school attendance target, (which remains at 97%), by 0.4%. With your help and encouragement we will be working hard this year to ensure that we have the best attendance of any school in Islington. Thank you for your support.