Dear parents/ carers,
Following on from teacher phone calls last week we will be making some changes to how Timetables are shared with you.
As requested, Timetables will now go live at 3pm every Sunday to give parents/ carers the chance to read through planned learning for the following week.
We are aware that some parents/ carers are having difficulty navigating sections of the website especially when trying to access from a mobile phone. From today, teachers will be posting Timetabeles to the first page of their Class News section (see Picture 1 below)

Picture 1
Parents/carers should still continue to check the class Blog/ Home Learning sections of the class page for additional support. To access all Home Learning resources please select ‘View All Home Learning’ at the bottom of the screen to do so. (see Picture 2 below)

Picture 2
In addition to the above, we aim to launch ‘Google Classroom’ this week to all pupils in year groups
Groups of pupils have been trialing GC with teachers in Years 3-6 and from Monday, teachers will be inviting all pupils in their classes to join. (More information on this will follow)