Spanish at St. Mark’s


At St. Mark’s Primary School, our aim is to inspire a love for language learning through the teaching of Spanish as our Modern Foreign Language (MFL) across Years 3-6. We strive to provide students with the linguistic tools and cultural understanding necessary to broaden their perspectives and equip them for future language learning. Our intent is to create confident communicators who appreciate other cultures and are prepared for a multilingual world.


We implement the Language Angels scheme to deliver high-quality Spanish lessons in Years 3-6, ensuring progression in both vocabulary and grammar. Our approach balances speaking, listening, reading, and writing, encouraging active engagement. In addition, we subtly introduce Spanish in all year groups, embedding language exposure across the school through simple greetings, classroom instructions, and cross-curricular links, making Spanish a natural part of school life. We also benefit from two fluent Spanish-speaking members of staff who support lessons and assist in embedding the language throughout our learning environments, making Spanish both accessible and engaging for all pupils.


By the end of Year 6, students will have developed a strong foundation in Spanish, including key vocabulary, grammar, and the ability to engage in simple conversations. The progression in language learning prepares them well for further language study in secondary school. Through ongoing assessment and monitoring, we ensure students make steady progress. The subtle exposure to Spanish throughout the school, supported by our Spanish-speaking staff, creates a rich language environment that enhances pupils’ fluency, confidence, and cultural understanding.


Please Click the link below, for our Spanish Curriculum.

Spanish Curriculum