Geography at St. Mark’s


At St. Mark’s Primary School, we aim to inspire curiosity and a sense of responsibility for the world through our dynamic Geography curriculum. Our goal is for students to explore and understand the relationship between physical and human processes, both locally and globally, and to develop a deep sense of their place within the world. Geography is carefully structured to encourage inquiry, critical thinking, and problem-solving, allowing students to grow into informed and responsible global citizens. We aim for children to build a rich understanding of key geographical concepts and skills from the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) through to Year 6, promoting a love of learning about the world and its diverse cultures, environments, and issues. 


Structured and Progressive Curriculum: Geography is taught on alternating half terms with History to ensure a balanced and focused approach. The curriculum is designed with a clear progression of knowledge and skills, starting with exploration of the immediate environment in EYFS, broadening to national and global perspectives in later years. Key geographical skills such as map reading, fieldwork, and data analysis are systematically developed across all year groups. Inquiry-Based Learning through Big Questions: At the heart of our Geography curriculum are the Big Questions that drive each unit of study. These questions encourage students to think critically about geographical concepts and real-world issues. Weekly lessons build incrementally toward answering these overarching questions, ensuring that children deepen their understanding and make connections between prior and new learning. Examples of Big Questions include “How does climate change affect the planet?” and “Why are some places more densely populated than others?” Fieldwork and Practical Application: Fieldwork opportunities are integrated wherever possible, allowing students to apply their geographical skills in real-world contexts. This practical approach reinforces classroom learning and helps students develop essential skills in observation, data collection, and analysis. Developing Vocabulary and Cross-Curricular Skills:We emphasize the development of geographical vocabulary, enabling students to articulate their understanding of complex concepts confidently. Geography lessons also support the development of reading, writing, and mathematical skills, particularly through activities involving data handling, map reading, and report writing.


Our Geography curriculum equips students with a deep understanding of the physical and human processes that shape our world. By the end of Year 6, children can confidently interpret geographical data, use maps, and engage in informed discussions about global issues such as climate change, sustainability, and population dynamics. Their learning is consistently applied in practical settings through fieldwork, fostering a greater appreciation for their environment. Students are also equipped with essential cultural capital, gaining knowledge of different places, people, resources, and natural and human environments. This understanding helps them develop respect for diverse cultures and environments, preparing them for active and informed participation in the world around them. The inquiry-based learning approach ensures that students not only retain core geographical knowledge but also become curious, critical thinkers capable of making connections between their learning and global events. Through our Geography curriculum, we foster a lifelong passion for exploration, understanding, and stewardship of the world, empowering students to become informed, thoughtful contributors to society.