Computing at St. Mark’s


At St. Mark’s Primary School, our aim is to equip pupils with the essential computing skills needed to thrive in the digital age. We believe that a strong foundation in computing empowers students to be creative, confident, and critical users of technology. Our curriculum, based on the Islington Scheme of Work, covers three key areas: Computer Science, Information Technology, and Digital Literacy. A core priority for us is ensuring that students not only develop their technical skills but also understand the importance of staying safe and responsible online. We are committed to fostering a safe digital environment where children can navigate technology confidently and responsibly.


We use a wide array of iPads and Chromebooks to deliver a comprehensive and engaging computing curriculum from Early Years through to Year 6. Following the Islington Scheme of Work, our lessons follow a clear progression of skills across all three areas of computing. Computer Science teaches students coding and computational thinking, Information Technology focuses on using software and hardware to create and communicate, while Digital Literacy ensures students can safely and effectively navigate the digital world.

Online safety is embedded throughout our curriculum, with dedicated lessons and ongoing reinforcement to ensure children are aware of risks and know how to protect themselves. We run regular workshops and use resources such as online safety week to keep this a top priority. Our digital literacy progression ensures that children can grow their understanding of online safety in parallel with their growing use of technology.


By the time students leave St. Mark’s, they will have developed a well-rounded knowledge of computing, with a solid grounding in coding, technology use, and digital safety. They will have the ability to apply computational thinking to solve problems, use a range of IT tools creatively, and confidently engage with digital media while understanding how to stay safe online. Through our clear progression of skills and regular assessment, we ensure pupils build on their knowledge year by year, preparing them for the digital demands of secondary school and the wider world. Above all, our focus on online safety ensures students leave our school as responsible digital citizens.

Please click the link below for more information on our Computing curriculum.

Computing Curriculum