Who to contact
Ms Braithwaite (Headteacher)
Mr McEleney (Deputy Headteacher)
Mrs C. Sheehan (Chair of Governors)
Mrs Bearfoot (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities coordinator ) – 020 7272 5967 – option 3
Ms Kean (Senior Admin and Finance Officer)
Should you have any queries, please feel free to call Miss Kean on 020 7272 5976 or email admin@st-marks.islington.sch.uk
How to find us
Nearest train stations: Archway, Finsbury Park, Upper Holloway (Overground)
Bus numbers 263, 43 and 17 stop on Holloway Road and 106, 253, 254, 19, 236, 29 and 4 stop at Finsbury Park.