Hello Wisdom Class and welcome to Year 6! There are lots of fun and exciting things happening this Autumn Term at St Mark’s. It’s going to be great!


This term in English we will be studying Narrative Units including the texts ‘The Otherside of Truth’ and ‘The Rabbits’. We will be writing across a range of fiction and non-fiction genres as well as working on spelling, handwriting and grammar. We will also be looking at a number of stand-alone texts in Guided Reading lessons to help prepare us for our Year 6 SATs.


This term we are going to be revising all areas of learning in preparation for the KS2 SATs. We will consolidate and then build on our Maths knowledge and apply these skills to real life problems. Remember it is really important that your child can confidently recall multiplication and division facts.

RE (Religious Education)

This term we will be learning about the journey of life and death and how different faiths mark events in our lives. We will also discuss the idea of a Christian pilgrimage.

History and Geography

Wisdom Class will be learning about the continent of Africa this term through the subjects of History, Geography and Art. We will be covering lots of learning topics including African art, children’s rights, health, food & trade in different countries. In addition to this we will find out about the ‘Kingdom of Benin’ between the year 900-1900AD.


Our Science topic this term is called Animals and living things. We will also be identifying and naming the main parts of the human circulatory system.

PE (Physical Education)

Wisdom Class will have PE every Tuesday. Pupils will require their full PE kit for these lessons. We will be focusing on football this half-term. We will also be completing an intensive, two-week daily swimming course at Caledonian Road Pool.


In computing lessons, we will be using a variety of computing software and online applications to learn about communication and creativity. We will also be talking about finding a healthy balance when using technology.


This term we will be learning about mental health and how to keep our minds healthy.


This autumn term Wisdom Class will be learning all about Motown!

Class Information/Key dates

P.E – Tuesday afternoons