Welcome To Spring Term, Year 2!
This term we will be learning through the books; Rosie Revere, Engineer, Claude in the City, One day on our Blue Planet, The Secret Sky Garden and The Last Wolf. The children will writing instructional reports, recounts, narratives, diary entries and poetry.
Our topics this term include money, multiplication and division and measurement. We will also be using our Maths knowledge to solve real life problems.
RE (Religious Education)
This term we will be learning about How the 5 pillars of Islam help a Muslim to show commitment to Allah. We will also look at how Easter symbols help us to understand the meaning of Easter for Christians.
History and Geography
We will be learning all about the events surrounding The Great Fire of London. We will be looking at why it occurred and what life was like during the time of the fire. We will be looking at the similarities and differences between life in Tudor London and life in London today. We will also learn to about how the Great Fire of London changed how to address fire safety in present time.
This term, we will be learning about plants. We will discover more about the way that plants grow and how factors like light and dark, can affect them.
PE (Physical Education)
We will have PE every Monday and Wednesday where we will be doing yoga, fitness, target games and striking and fielding.
We will be learning how save and retrieve our work as well as using Busy Things. The children will also learn about their digital footprint and identity and how to stay safe on the internet.
We will be learning about:
1. Careers, financial capability and economic wellbeing: Saving, spending and budgeting.
2. Keeping safe and managing risk: Indoors and outdoors.
As a part of our cooking and nutrition curriculum, we will be preparing and making 17th Century bread, linked to our History unit, The Great Fire of London.
This term we will be learning the sounds of Africa.
Art and DT
The focus this term will be painting and textiles. The children will be creating their own secret garden!
Homework –
Homework will be set each Friday and is expected back on the following Wednesday. Remember to read daily return your reading book every day for us to sign.