Friendship Class

We have an exciting Spring Term coming up for Friendship Class with lots of exciting topics and trips!


This term we will be studying the following texts: ‘Ruby’s Worry by Tom Percival, ‘Halibut Jackson’ by David Lucas, ‘Billy and the Beast’ by Nadia Shireen and ‘Traction Man is Here!’ by Mini Grey. Children will be exploring posters, pamphlets, diary entries, advertisements and character descriptions. Children will be developing their writing, spelling and grammar skills. Our morning phonics and reading sessions will also continue.


In Maths, we will be focusing on place value, addition and subtraction, length and height as well as weight and volume. As always, we will bring our maths to life by applying it to real life situations such as measuring objects and totalling up your shopping.


Everyday Materials is our science topic for Spring. As a class we will discover what materials exist in the world and why they are chosen to make certain objects. Our lessons will include exploring magnets, metals, melting ice finishing in our Investigation into the Three Little Pigs.


Our first topic will be Toys Over Time.

Linking to our Science topic, Friendship Class will examine how toys and books have changed over time, including the materials they are made with. Through this topic the ideas of present, past, new and old along with timelines will be introduced to the children.


Britain will be the focus of Spring Term for Friendship Class. An understanding of where each country is located along with their similarities and differences will be the outcome of this unit.


The children will be looking at identity, society and equality:

–       Celebrating what makes them unique and special.

–       Roles and responsibilities at school and at home.

–       Being cooperative with others.

Religious Education:

Our topic will be ‘What Does it Mean to be Muslim?’ This will include a trip the Finsbury Park Mosque.

D&T/ Art:

Mechanisms and textiles are our topics this term. D/T and Art will link closely to the work we are doing in History (Toys Over Time) and English (Halibut’s Jacket).


Folk music is the topic this term, as children learn about music from across the United Kingdom.


This term, children will learn about keeping safe on the internet. Along with this, collaboration will be key in this topic.


P.E will be on Monday and Thursday each week. The children will participate in a range games and exercises with a focus on Fitness and Fundamentals.


Homework will be set each Friday to be handed in on the following Wednesday.