Hello and welcome to Creation Class
In Creation Class we work closely with parents and carers to set the foundations of children’s first steps in their learning.
During this half term we recognise that children come to our setting from various starting points and having had various experiences. We will use this term to observe, Interact and build strong relationships with the children and families.
When considering the curriculum in the early years, it is important to think about the knowledge and new experiences that children may already have.
The topic for the autumn term is ‘Magical me’. We will have fun exploring and learning all about ourselves, our families, our culture and our local community whilst developing strong relationships with Key people at school.
Each week one child will take the ‘family box’ home where they can put photos and special objects in to share and talk to their class about themselves, the people important to them, their culture and community. This is celebrated and displayed.
Throughout the year we will be focusing on developing your child’s communication and language skills.
Nursery rhymes are a great way to help develop this such as introducing children to new words and expanding their vocabulary. It also develops listening and understanding skills and social and emotional development.
Please check the website for news and home learning and PING for regular messages.
We are looking forward to working with you. If you have any questions or we can help in any way, please do not hesitate to ask one of us, and we will do our best to help.