Welcome back Thankfulness Class!

The topic for Spring One is ‘Dinosaurs’

At St Marks, we provide both a rich and bespoke EYFS curriculum, which encourages all our young learners to fulfil their full potential.

When considering the curriculum in the EYFS, it is important to think about the knowledge and the different starting points and experiences that the children may already have. This term we will continue to explore and learn all about ourselves, families, our local community and  continue to build strong relationships with key adults at school.

We will send home the ‘Family Box’ on a weekly basis, for a child to take home. Here they can put photos and special objects in to share and talk to their class about themselves, the people important to them, their culture and community and then this will be put up on display within the classroom.

Communication & Language (C&L)

We will be learning to:

Express ideas and feelings about experiences.

Understand how to listen carefully and why listening is important.

Learn new vocabulary. Use new vocabulary throughout the day.

Ask questions to find out more and to check understanding.

Articulate ideas and thoughts in well-formed sentences.

Connect one idea or action to another using a range of connectives.

To be able to give facts about a specified subject.

Personal Social and Emotional Development (PSED)

We will be learning:

To learn right from wrong.

To understand how to make the right choices and the consequences of not making the right ones.

To be able to talk about why a character has made a poor choice and what the consequences are.

To be able to talk about how a character could have made a better choice.

Physical Development

We will be learning:

To show good practice with regard to exercise, eating, sleeping and hygiene.

To know how good practice with regard to exercise, eating, sleeping and hygiene can contribute to good health.

To be able to balance and coordinate safely.

To negotiate space effectively.

To know how to use scissors effectively.


We will start this topic by focusing on the story ‘Tyranosaurus Drip’ by Julia Donaldson. In addition to reading and exploring core texts we will also be covering;

To think of and write a short, simple sentence.

Listening to and hearing sounds in CVC and CVCC words.

Identifying sounds on a sound mat.

Listens to stories and begin to anticipate what may happen next.

Knowing that words can be written.

Knowing the sounds that the taught letters make.

Knowing what the taught letters looks like.

Knowing how to write the taught letters.

Recognising taught HFW in text.

Knows how to spell some familiar words.


We will be learning:

To use non-standard units to measure length, weight and capacity.

To use money during role play activities to buy items.

To begin to explore number bonds to 5.

To be able to count to 20 independently.

To know how to use positional language in the appropriate context.

To know that length, capacity and weight can all be measured.

To know that money can be used to buy items.

To understand and use a range of prepositions in everyday contexts.

Understanding the World

We will be learning:

To identify and sort healthy/unhealthy foods.

To talk about a special event in their life.

Know that their own experiences differ to those of others.

Identify some similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods.

To identify members of the community who help us. To be able to say how members of the community help us.

To use a mouse/pad to complete a simple ICT programme.

To know that there are many countries around the world.

Expressive Art and Design

The children will continue to explore and use a variety of media for pleasure and purposely:

To use resources to create own props.

Constructs with a purpose in mind, using a variety of resources.

To effectively use instruments to tap a simple beat.

To understand that pictures can be created by making observations or by using imagination.

Play instruments to a steady beat and understand how to hold and play an instrument with care.

Listen to music and respond by using hand and whole-body movements.

Religious Education

In Religious Studies, this term children will continue to learn about the many different faiths around the world.

This term, children will be focusing on;

Why do Christians believe Jesus is special?

The religion of Islam

What does it mean to be a Muslim?

The 5 Pillars of Islam