Welcome back Hope Class!

In Hope Class we work closely with parents/carers to set the foundations of our children’s first steps in their learning.

During this Spring half term we welcome new children that have transitioned up from the 2’s and new children that have joined our nursery. We recognise that children come to our setting from various starting points and having had various experiences. We will use this term to observe, interact and build strong relationships with the children and families. When considering the curriculum in the early years, it is important to think about the knowledge that children may already have. We will continue to explore and learn all about ourselves, families, our local community and developing strong relationships with Key people at school.

Each week one child will take the ‘family box’ home where they can put photos and special objects in to share and talk to their class about themselves, the people important to them, their culture and community and then put up on display.

The topic for Spring One is ‘Dinosaurs.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

We will be learning about:

  • Looking at the features of a dinosaur paying particular focus on the dinosaurs teeth, discussing why we should clean our teeth
  • Playing sleeping dinosaurs and talking about bedtime
  • Taking turns to look after the toy dinosaur, maybe taking it home for the weekend and taking photos of what they did.

Physical Development

We will be learning to develop skills in:

  •  Imagining being a dinosaurs going under and over equipment
  • Dinosaur dance, paying particular focus on moves that  encourage space awareness
  • Stomping feet like dinosaurs and waggle bottoms like tails and move around the room on hands and feet
  • Make dinosaur cookies
  •  Use a range of tools


Communication and language will be an ongoing focus throughout the term. The children will have opportunities to listen to and join in with stories, songs, and rhymes, understanding what is happening with the help of the pictures.

  • Develop listening and speaking skills in a range of contexts.
  • Give meaning to marks they make.
  • Look and discuss pictures of dinosaurs.
  • Sing rhymes about dinosaurs.
  • Talk about the differences between dinosaurs
  • Listen and enjoy sharing and joining in with a wide range of books, poems and songs.


We will be learning about:

Number rhymes and songs, counting and sorting objects, and beginning to recognise name, and order numbers from 0 to 5.

  •  Counting
  • Matching
  • Sorting Size

Understanding the World

The children will continue to talk about the features of their immediate environment with visual representations e.g., walk around school, nature area and notice common signs and logos. They will use IPods to take pictures, print them out to add to their class local community and environment book.

●       Find out about dinosaurs and where they used to live

●       Look at the features of the dinosaur and compare and contrast

●       Listen to dinosaur roars and record making different roars

●       Develop understanding and storytelling in pretend play.

●       Make a volcano

●       Talk about dinosaur habitats

Dinosaur sensory dig


Expressive Art and Design

The children will explore and use a variety of media for pleasure and purposely:

●       Make dinosaur eggs with clay and paper Mache

●       Make a tape with children sounding out dinosaur noises, roars and effects

●       Dinosaur bone display

  • Sing in a group or on their own.
  • Create collaboratively, sharing ideas, resources and skills.
  • Develop storylines in their pretend play

During this term, we will be inviting you to spend some time with your children in the class, and we are looking forward to working with you. If you have any questions or we can help in any way, please do not hesitate to ask one of us, and we will do our best to help.