Last Tuesday Onyx class visited the Offices in Angel. The trip was linked to our African topic and we were learning about the geography and culture of different African countries. We took part in a workshop and learnt how to book a holiday. We also learnt about social media and even had the opportunity to plan and give a presentation in a real office boardroom. We were then given a guided tour around the offices and met all of the staff. Finally we went onto the 360 degree balcony to get a great view of the city. We had great fun!

We worked in groups to collect information about different African countries using the internet to find specific information. We then had to stand at the front of the boardroom and present our findings in front of an audience.

Lunch in the canteen! After a hard days work Onyx class eat their lunch with a fantastic view of the city.
My favorite part of the trip is when we went to the top of the building and we could see the whole of Angel.
i liked the trip to expedia
it was very interesting
I really enjoyed it when we had a tour of the Expedia offices and we got to see the office games room.
I like the part when we got to see are self in the TV. I also like the bit when we got to see the ofsis
my favourite part of the trip was when we saw the people playing in the race cars
My favourite part of the trip was when we were talking about some countries of Africa.
I liked the part when we went to see everyone in their offices that part was fun
I enjoyed the trip
My favourite part of the trip was when we got a tour of the place.
I really enjoyed the trip to Expedia and it was really great thank you Mr jones
I remember the trip to Expedia it was so fun and educational
I liked the trip to expedia it was fun and I liked the way that we got name tags and everything it made us look more professional cant wait to go to our upcoming trips
please book even more trips for us Mr Jones especially November 23 rd
I enjoyed the trip specially my favourite bit was when I saw the office game room and looking at the view of Angels.
my favourite parts of the trip was when we appeared on Angel Office TV and we went on top of the office roof top!
I really enjoyed the bit where we got to research Africa.
loved seing the view on the roof of expedia
this one of the best trip I’ve ever been to ever time I passed there I wondered what was in there.
Bye Erica:):)
Liked the bit when we got to sit on the big black thing!
I liked going on the roof top it was an amazing view, even though it was wet and a bit cold. I also enjoyed when we researched facts about Africa.
I loved the trip and would love to go again.
cant wait until the next trip
My best bit is when we look at the that video game when the people was racing on the Xbox.