This week, our Year 4 class embarked on an exciting journey back in time, exploring the fascinating world of Roman artefacts! Our classroom was transformed into a mini museum, filled with replicas of ancient Roman objects that sparked curiosity and wonder. The students were eager to discover the stories behind these ancient items, think about what materials they were made from, and guess their uses. Here’s a peek into our day of exploration and learning!

Uncovering the Secrets of Roman Life

One of the highlights of the session was discovering some unexpected and rather amusing Roman inventions. For instance, the class was introduced to the spongia, an object that certainly raised a few eyebrows! After some giggles and wild guesses, the students were shocked to learn that the spongia was used as a form of toilet paper in Roman times. Yes, you read that correctly! It was a sponge attached to a stick, used by Romans to clean themselves in public toilets. This discovery led to an animated discussion about Roman hygiene and how different life was back then compared to today.


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