Music at St. Mark’s


At St. Mark’s C of E Primary School, our music curriculum is designed to inspire a lifelong love of music and foster creativity in every child. We aim to provide all students with opportunities to explore, enjoy, and develop their musical abilities through a broad and balanced curriculum. By nurturing musical skills in composition, vocal development, and instrument knowledge, we strive to enrich the cultural capital of our students and ensure that music remains an integral part of their personal and academic growth. Music plays a vital role in building confidence, teamwork, and self-expression, and our goal is to offer every child the chance to experience the joy of creating and performing music. With access to expert instruction and diverse performance opportunities, students are encouraged to explore their musical talents and discover their own unique voices. 


Specialist Music Instruction: We are fortunate to have a dedicated and experienced music teacher, Mr. Alinson, who provides expert guidance every Monday and Tuesday. His teaching ensures that our music curriculum is taught with passion, depth, and structure, allowing students to develop their musical skills progressively. Through his lessons, students are exposed to the breadth of the National Curriculum for music, ensuring they engage in practical, enjoyable, and meaningful musical activities. Comprehensive Music Curriculum: Our music curriculum is structured to offer a wide range of musical experiences, including: – Composition: Students learn how to create and arrange their own music, encouraging creativity and self-expression. – Vocal Development: Through regular singing assemblies and class performances, students develop their vocal technique and confidence, refining their singing abilities. Instrument Knowledge: Students gain hands-on experience with a variety of musical instruments, learning about their sounds, functions, and roles within different genres of music. Exploring Music Genres: We introduce students to diverse genres and artists, broadening their understanding and appreciation of global musical traditions. Choir and Performance Opportunities: St. Mark’s boasts an active choir that meets every Tuesday, offering students an opportunity to explore choral singing and develop performance skills. Our choir participates in major events such as: Young Voices: A large-scale choir performance at the O2 Arena, where our students join thousands of other young singers for a truly memorable experience. Deanery Sing Alongs: Collaborative performances with other schools in the Islington area. – Royal Albert Hall Performances: Opportunities for students to perform at the Royal Albert Hall through our partnership with the London Diocesan Board for Schools (LDBS). Partnership with Guildhall School of Music: In Year 4, our students receive specialist clarinet lessons through a partnership with the Guildhall School of Music. This experience gives them the opportunity to work with professional tutors, perform termly, and develop their instrumental skills within a structured, progressive framework. Singing Collective Worship and Class Performances: Singing is embedded in our school culture, with weekly singing assemblies on Tuesdays, where students come together to practice and perform. Class performances are an essential part of school life, allowing children to showcase their musical learning and build confidence in front of peers and the school community.


Our music curriculum ensures that students leave St. Mark’s with a deep appreciation for music and the skills to explore and enjoy it throughout their lives. The impact of our music education can be seen in students’ increased confidence, creativity, and teamwork. Regular performances, from school assemblies to large-scale events like Young Voices and performances at the Royal Albert Hall, provide students with a sense of accomplishment and pride in their musical achievements. Cultural Capital: Through exposure to diverse music genres, participation in prestigious events, and partnerships with leading music institutions, students enhance their cultural awareness and broaden their understanding of the world. These experiences not only enrich their school life but also equip them with a greater appreciation of music as a vital cultural and social force. Skills Development: The combination of expert instruction, hands-on learning, and performance opportunities helps students develop key skills in composition, instrumental performance, and vocal technique. The discipline, perseverance, and creativity nurtured through music at St. Mark’s are essential life skills that prepare our students for future challenges, both academically and personally. Through our commitment to providing high-quality music education, we aim to ensure that every child can discover their musical potential and enjoy the many benefits that music brings to their overall development.