Religious Education at St. Mark’s 


At St. Mark’s C of E Primary School, Religious Education (R.E.) is central to fostering an inclusive and respectful understanding of the diverse world of faith and belief. As a church school, our R.E. curriculum encourages students to explore different religions with curiosity and respect, while maintaining our Christian ethos without promoting any single faith. We aim to nurture well-rounded, thoughtful individuals who appreciate the rich diversity of belief systems and can engage with big questions about life, faith, and morality. Through this, we aim to equip our students with the empathy, knowledge, and critical thinking skills necessary for respectful engagement in a multicultural society.


Our Religious Education curriculum is enhanced through our partnership with the London Diocesan Board for Schools (LDBS). This collaboration provides us with access to high-quality resources and support, ensuring our students benefit from a well-structured and meaningful curriculum. We approach religious education through three distinct disciplines that together provide a comprehensive understanding of faith:

1. Theological – This focuses on the core beliefs and teachings of major world religions, including Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, and more. Students learn to explore what adherents believe and how these beliefs shape their lives. 2.

2. Human and Social– In this discipline, students study the impact of religion on individuals, families, and societies, understanding how religious beliefs influence culture, community practices, and personal identity. 3.

3. Philosophical – We encourage students to think deeply about the “big questions” related to faith, morality, existence, and ethics. This promotes critical thinking and allows them to reflect on how different religions approach life’s most profound challenges.

Each term, our lessons are guided by overarching big questions, which are broken down into smaller weekly inquiries. This inquiry-based approach encourages deep exploration of each topic and allows children to connect their learning to personal reflection and understanding. For example, students may explore questions such as “What is faith?” or “How do religious practices shape identity?” This method develops not only knowledge but also critical thinking, self-expression, and respectful dialogue.


The impact of our R.E. curriculum is evident in the thoughtful and respectful attitudes our students demonstrate toward different belief systems. Through the study of various world religions and Christian teachings, students gain religious literacy and a broad understanding of the diverse faiths that shape our world. They leave St. Mark’s equipped with a comprehensive understanding of the theological, social, and philosophical dimensions of religion, and the ability to engage with big questions thoughtfully. By embracing the LDBS umbrella and focusing on inquiry-based learning, we cultivate a deep appreciation for diversity and foster empathy in our students. They develop the skills needed to articulate their own beliefs while respecting the views of others, preparing them to be open-minded and compassionate members of society. Our R.E. curriculum contributes to the development of well-rounded individuals who are not only informed about the world’s religions but also thoughtful and considerate in their approach to others. In a world where understanding and respect for diversity are increasingly important, Religious Education at St. Mark’s plays a key role in nurturing these values in all our students.