Writing at St. Mark’s 


At St. Mark’s Primary School, we believe that writing is a fundamental skill essential for academic success and personal expression. Our writing curriculum is designed to inspire creativity, critical thinking, and effective communication, while also fostering a lifelong love of writing. We aim to equip every child with the tools and confidence they need to express their ideas clearly and imaginatively. Our inclusive approach ensures that all children, regardless of background or ability, are given the opportunity to develop their writing skills to the highest standard.


We use high-quality texts from the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education (CLPE) to support and enrich our writing curriculum. These texts are carefully selected to reflect the diversity of our school community, celebrating a range of cultures, experiences, and perspectives. By ensuring that every child sees themselves in the stories they read, we foster a deeper connection to writing and engagement with the curriculum. These texts serve as a springboard for creative and thoughtful writing, encouraging students to develop their own voice.

Our writing lessons are built around a clear progression of skills, including discreet grammar instruction integrated naturally across all year groups. This approach ensures that children develop a strong foundation in grammatical concepts, which they consolidate and expand upon as they progress through the school. By the time students reach upper Key Stage 2, they confidently use advanced grammar techniques to enhance their writing.

In addition to core writing skills, we provide opportunities for children to write for a wide range of purposes. From creative stories and poetry to non-fiction, persuasive writing, and real-world applications, students are encouraged to explore different genres and contexts. This variety ensures that they develop a broad skill set, preparing them to write effectively across the curriculum and in their future endeavours. We also provide opportunities for children to publish and share their work, instilling a sense of purpose and pride in their writing.

To motivate and celebrate progress, we hold weekly Writer of the Week celebrations where students’ outstanding contributions are recognised and displayed prominently in the school. Our Pen License Wall motivates students to improve their handwriting, and children proudly display their names on the wall once they demonstrate consistent, high-quality handwriting.


The impact of our writing curriculum is reflected in the high standard of writing produced by our students, as well as their enthusiasm for writing across a variety of genres and purposes. Children at St. Mark’s leave with a deep understanding of how to write clearly, imaginatively, and effectively, and they demonstrate confidence in applying grammar and writing techniques to elevate their work.

By using culturally diverse texts and celebrating writing achievements, we ensure that all children feel valued and motivated in their writing journey. Our discreet grammar teaching equips students with a solid technical foundation, while initiatives like the Writer of the Week and Pen License Wall instill a sense of accomplishment and pride.

Our students’ success in writing is consistently reflected in their outcomes, including strong performance in national assessments and the ability to write confidently for a range of audiences and purposes. The writing skills developed at St. Mark’s prepare our children not only for academic success but also for effective communication in the wider world.


Please have a look at our progression maps below: