EYFS at St. Mark’s


At St. Mark’s, we understand that the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is a pivotal time of rapid growth and development. Our EYFS curriculum for 2024/25 is carefully crafted to foster children’s curiosity, independence, and enthusiasm for learning, while promoting their overall wellbeing. We aim to ensure that every child achieves a Good Level of Development (GLD) by the end of the Reception year, laying the foundations for lifelong learning. Our curriculum is child-led, placing each child’s individual needs, interests, and developmental stages at the heart of our planning. We prioritise the Prime Areas of learning—Communication and Language, Physical Development, and Personal, Social, and Emotional Development—as they are crucial in providing children with the tools they need to thrive in all areas of learning. Alongside these, we provide rich opportunities for children to explore *Specific Areas*, including Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World, and Expressive Arts and Design, ensuring a balanced and comprehensive approach to early education.


Our curriculum follows the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage, promoting holistic development across the seven key areas of learning, with a particular focus on children reaching a Good Level of Development (GLD). The GLD ensures that children are making progress in the Prime Areas as well as in Literacy and Mathematics, equipping them with the essential skills they need for success as they move into Key Stage 1.

Prime Areas: Communication and Language: Through interactive storytelling, role-play, songs, and daily conversations, we create a language-rich environment where children can develop their listening, speaking, and comprehension skills. We encourage children to express their ideas and emotions, building the confidence to communicate effectively in diverse situations. Physical Development: Children participate in a wide range of indoor and outdoor activities that support the development of gross and fine motor skills. From structured physical education sessions to unstructured play in our outdoor learning spaces, children gain coordination, strength, and an understanding of self-care. Physical health and wellbeing are integral to our holistic approach to child development. Personal, Social, and Emotional Development: We cultivate an environment where children can form positive relationships, regulate their emotions, and develop resilience. Through guided play and collaborative activities, children learn to share, take turns, and build self-confidence. We place a strong emphasis on fostering emotional intelligence and a sense of belonging, ensuring that children feel secure and valued. 2.

Specific Areas :Literacy: We use the FFT Success for All Phonics programme to deliver systematic and engaging phonics lessons that help children build early reading and writing skills. By developing letter recognition, sound blending, and word decoding, children make rapid progress in their reading fluency and comprehension. We nurture a love for books and storytelling, supporting children’s ability to engage with texts both imaginatively and analytically. Mathematics: Our mathematics curriculum introduces children to core mathematical concepts, such as counting, number recognition, shapes, patterns, and problem-solving. Through practical and engaging activities, we make mathematics accessible and enjoyable, laying a strong foundation for future learning in numeracy. Understanding the World: Children are given opportunities to explore the world around them through hands-on experiences and inquiry-based learning. Whether it’s investigating nature in our school garden, exploring technology, or learning about different cultures and communities, we foster a sense of curiosity and global awareness. Expressive Arts and Design: Creativity is at the forefront of our EYFS curriculum, with children encouraged to express themselves through art, music, dance, and imaginative play. We provide a variety of media and techniques for children to experiment with, allowing them to explore their own creative potential.

Assessment and Good Level of Development (GLD) At St. Mark’s, we place a strong emphasis on ensuring that children are meeting or exceeding the expectations for a Good Level of Development (GLD) by the end of the Reception year. The GLD is a key indicator of readiness for Year 1, and we track each child’s progress through careful observation, regular assessments, and ongoing feedback. Children’s achievements in the Prime Areas (Communication and Language, Physical Development, and Personal, Social, and Emotional Development) and the Specific Areas of Literacy and Mathematics are closely monitored to ensure that they are progressing in line with national expectations. Our staff use formative assessments to adapt and personalise teaching to meet the needs of each child. We celebrate individual progress and provide additional support where needed to ensure that all children have the best possible opportunity to achieve GLD, regardless of their starting point.

Partnership with Parents and Carers: We recognise the vital role that parents and carers play in supporting their child’s learning and development. At St. Mark’s, we actively involve parents in their child’s educational journey through regular communication, parent workshops, and home-learning opportunities. We provide parents with updates on their child’s progress, including assessments related to GLD, so they feel informed and empowered to support learning at home. Our partnership with families ensures that learning is a shared experience, both in and out of school.



The impact of our EYFS curriculum is reflected in the children’s academic achievements, personal growth, and readiness for Key Stage 1. By focusing on GLD, we ensure that children are well-prepared for the next phase of their education, with strong foundations in communication, literacy, numeracy, and social-emotional skills. We aim for our children to leave Reception year as confident, independent learners with a love of discovery and a solid grasp of key concepts that will serve them well throughout their school journey. Through our commitment to holistic development and our focus on both the Prime Areas and Specific Areas of learning, children at St. Mark’s develop the skills, knowledge, and attitudes needed to thrive as they continue their educational journey. The emphasis on GLD ensures that each child reaches their full potential, with a strong foundation for success in the years to come.