This week, in Tundra Class we had the pleasure of working with the Institute of Imagination again.
This week, we completed their Coding our Emotions Workshop. We go to use coding program scratch to assist us creating interactive and responsive code.
Tundra, what did you learn whilst using scratch? What did you most enjoy?
Today we did some learning to code with an app called scratch and it was super fun,we had these coding options and we put on the options we would like and then a cat would follow the instructions on the code like, turn 90 degrees,make noises, and announcements.
I enjoyed going on Scratch because I could create different backgrounds, make music and make a football talk.
I learnt more about coding and how to use scratch more, and i enjoyed colouring our cat and adding the codes.
I really liked the coding because it was really fun making the little characters move and make sound . I liked the amount of different back rounds and characters we had. I found it really fun.
I learnt how to code
i learnt how to use different types of codes to move the animal . I most enjoyed adding the bossa nova sound it was nice.
I learnt how to code more on sketch!
Learnt how to code and make alot of noise my favourite noise was the bossa nova noise
I found coding really fun! I found using the mini codes really exiting because we could control the computer to say what ever we want. We could also program it to say anything or even to do any pixel.