Relationships & Sex Education (RSE)
RSE is delivered as part of our PSHE and citizenship programme. This ensures that RSE is delivered in the wider context of relationships and that pupils are prepared for the opportunities, responsibilities, and experiences of adult life.
These lessons will include discussions about feelings, relationships and values. They will help young people learn to respect themselves and others. Relationship Education focuses on friendship, bullying and the building of self-esteem. Our school commitment to the SEAL Programme (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) provides many opportunities throughout the year for whole school, class, group and individual work in these areas.
The aims of RSE at St. Mark’s are as follows:
- To value and respect different types of relationships
- To foster respect and responsibility for myself/my body and for others
- To address stereotyping
- To consider social and moral dilemmas To understand the physical and emotional changes associated with puberty
- To know what help is available and how to access it
- To create opportunities to ask questions and clarify ideas in a safe environment
- To improve awareness and understanding of the opposite gender and of sexuality
- To be able to recognise, acknowledge and positively deal with emotions
- To clarify myths and misconceptions.
Parents and carers have an especially important role to play. We need to ensure that our SRE programme complements and support their role and that they can influence the content of such a programme. We hold parents’/carers’ information sessions where the schools’ programme is discussed, teaching resources are shown, supporting DVD material is shown and parents’/carers’ questions are answered. We issue lesson plans to parents and encourage them to discuss the topics covered with their children at home.
RSE Policy: